How to give cats a bath?

Yanko Dann

Yanko Dann

Cat person always has been and always will be. Come and get to know my love in words for cats, not just mine.

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Teach your Cat to Take a Bath

One way how to give cats a bath is for you to get them used to the experience early on so that they will learn that getting wet isn’t such a big deal after all. You can ask someone else to help you with this.

Slowly Introduce Your Cat to the Bath and Tub

Another way how to give cats a bath is to let them be curious about it first. Let them sniff around the tub and tap water so that they won’t be totally surprised when you actually give them a bath. Reward your cat with petting or treats (if your cat is already used to such things) before, during and after the bathing process.

If your cat still doesn’t like the idea of getting wet, combine this step with other ways on how to give cats a bath later on. Teach Your Cat How to Get Out of the Bath Once you’ve taught her (with plenty of patience and time) how to use and into the tub, teach your cat how to get out of the bath.

How to Give Cats a Bath – Initial Prep Before you even think about getting your cat wet, prepare yourself and the area around you by doing these things:

  • Give Your Cat a Good Brushing Make sure that your fur-baby is rather clean before giving her a bath. Not only will this make it more pleasant for both of you but it can also save on shampoo and water because she won’t be carrying in as much dirt from outside. If your cat’s hair is too long, give her a trim so that no mats will form while she’s soaking in the tub.
  • Cover Your Floor with Tarp or Shower Curtain Liner Lay down some plastic sheeting or shower curtain liner on the floor where your cat will be standing and bathing. This will protect your floor from getting wet and slippery and it can also prevent any accidents if your cat slips and falls.
  • Put Your Cat in a Comfortable, Warm Room If you’re giving cats a bath at home, keep them in a room with mild temperature so that they won’t feel cold or uncomfortable as they soak. Some people prefer to bathe their cats outside to avoid such things but those who want to do it inside should choose a small bathroom away from drafts and windows. Don’t shower cats right after exercising outside during winter because this might make them feel too cold or chilly for comfort.
  • Make Sure You Are Ready Before you actually give your cat a bath, prepare yourself for the process. You need to know what supplies you’re going to use, where every thing is and how to handle your cat when she’s in the tub. Make sure that your kitty is safe inside the tub before getting yourself ready.
  • Choose a Suitable Tub Design Whether you want to give cats a bath or not, having an easily accessible bathroom or small shower area with minimal steps in between is best for people who are physically impaired in some way. This will make it easier for both of you when using the sink or tub because there won’t be any unnecessary stumbling around or stepping up/down high surfaces (which could cause serious injuries). If the room has slippery tiles on its floor, put down non-slip mats along the edge of the tub to make sure your cat won’t go tumbling off the side.
  • Choose the Right Temperature If you live in an area where winter is quite cold or if your bathroom’s flooring is made of tile, you might want to warm up the water before putting it inside the bathtub for your kitty. Cats dislike getting wet and they also don’t like chilly weather so keep these things in mind when choosing a temperature for her bathwater.
  • Fill Up Your Kitty Bath An important thing on how to give cats a bath is making sure that she has enough room to move around and sit up while she’s bathing herself. The process shouldn’t be too complicated; just put her inside and see she’ll get out of the tub herself if she feels uncomfortable.
  • Put Your Cat in the Tub and Wet Her Down An important tip on how to give cats a bath is to make sure that your cat’s head and ears are wet first before continuing on with her whole body. This will reduce the amount of noise and struggling she does as you try to get her clean, which could be worrisome for any potential bystanders who think that you’re hurting or scaring your cat. If your fur-baby is very loud when she gets frightened, it might help to cover her eyes with one hand while getting her wet so that she can calm down faster. Use Shampoo Gently rub some shampoo onto your cat’s skin using only your fingers or hands rather than any brushes or sponges. After applying a small amount of shampoo, gently massage it into the fur and skin so that she won’t feel as much discomfort as you go about washing her. Rinse All of the soap off your cat’s body using only warm water from the shower head or faucet.
  • Avoid spraying cold air directly on her wet body because this could make your kitty shiver which is uncomfortable for both of you. Make sure to use a gentle stream of water to avoid hurting or scaring your pet during bath time.
  • Don’t Let Your Cat Stay in the Tub Overnight If you’re rushing around and couldn’t get everything done before giving cats a bath, don’t leave them soaking inside for more than minutes at most! This will only make the experience more frightening for them and it might also lead to uncomfortable or medical issues such as a loss of body heat. If you want to bathe your cat but you’re busy, wet her down first and leave the rest of the process for later so that she won’t feel as frightened and insecure during bath time.
  • If You Don’t Want To Bathe Your Cat… …then maybe think twice about getting one at all because owning a pet is not just about having fun with other animals but also caring for them too. If you don’t want to give cats a bath ever but you still choose to own one, always keep their litter boxes clean and never ignore any signs of illness such as sneezing, coughing or diarrhea.

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